CIS 26 2543 ET6
- Object Oriented Programming
Wed 06:30-09:10PM Room: 238 NE
Primary E-Mail: alex at NO SPAM the particle dot com
GoogleTalk: profphreak
ICQ#: 2279415
AOL IM: profparticle
MSN IM: profphreak at NO SPAM msn dot com
Yahoo IM: iparticle
Books (required/recommended):
Use Google.
Java(TM) Programming Language, by Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes
26 Object-Oriented Programming
3 hours; 3 credits
Object-orientation and the class concept. Message passing,
classes, objects, instances, and methods. An introduction to
inheritance and polymorphism. Advanced object-oriented
programming techniques. Introduction to object-oriented
design. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have
completed Computer and Information Science 2.70 or 16.)
Prerequisite: Computer and Information Science 22.
Office Hours:
I'll be around right before and right after class, or by appointment.
There will be several projects (ie: homeworks).
You will have at least a midterm and a final exam. There might also be a surprise quiz every week.
In This Class:
Peer cooperation is encouraged, however, everyone must submit their own work. You will
be expected to answer detailed questions about your assignments/projects. (i.e.: if you
didn't write them, I'll know.)
Academic Integrity: The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation.
This means that if you cheat on a test or an assignment, I must file a report which will initiate academic penalties.
Attendance is not mandatory (I don't need a doctors note!), but highly recommended. [you must attend at least a few times in the first six weeks, or you will be dropped from the class with a WU grade]. Also, it would be VERY difficult to pass the class without regular attendence; you are responsible for catching up if you miss class (for any reason). That being said, if you hardly ever show up (miss >= 4 classes) don't expect to get anything but a WU grade.
All projects, assignments, homeworks, etc., will be emailed to me.
Tentative grade breakup: ~25% for Midterm, ~35% for Projects, ~40% Final - These may
change slightly depending on how well the class does in any of the above.