Multimedia Computer Systems
CIS 751 W3
Wednesdays at 3:50-5:55PM, in 232NE
Primary E-Mail: alex at NO SPAM the particle dot com
ICQ#: 2279415
AOL IM: profphreak
MSN IM: profphreak at NO SPAM msn dot com
Yahoo IM: iparticle
Multimedia Fundamentals: Media Coding and Content Processing, by Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt
+ a half a dozen recommended titles you can find in the BC book store.
To gain an intuitive understanding of multimedia concepts.
Office Hours:
Office Hours is set for Right Before Class (An hour before class) in Caffeteria. I can
also usually be found in the "admins, facutly and staff" UNIX area in the atrium. You can also bring up
whatever questions you may have either before or after the class, or on the class forum.
There will be around two projects to implement some of the things mentioned in the class (a compression algorithm, an image filter, etc.)
You will have at least a midterm and a final exam.
In This Class:
Peer cooperation is encouraged, however, everyone must submit their own work. You will
be expected to answer detailed questions about your projects. (i.e.: if you
didn't write them, I'll know.)
Attendance is required. If you miss a class, you are responsible for catching up.
All projects, etc., unless otherwise noted, will be submitted via the website. Do not
print out nor e-mail me the assignments - they will promptly be trashed.
Tentative grade breakup: ~25% for Midterm, ~35% for Projects, ~40% Final - These may
change slightly depending on how well the class does in any of the above.