CIS 9340
- Database Management Systems
M, W 6:00PM-7:15PM, in Room: 10-165
Primary E-Mail: alex at the particle dot com
ICQ#: 2279415
AOL IM: profparticle
MSN IM: profphreak at msn dot com
Google IM: profphreak at
Yahoo IM: iparticle
[required] Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, by Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg.
[suggested] Fundamentals of Database Systems, by Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe
To learn how databases work, and how to work with them.
Topics Include (tentative schedule):
# Evolution of database management systems (chap 1)
# Entity Relationship Modeling and Design (part 3, chap 11)
# Structured Query Language (chap 5, chap 6)
# Relational Algebra
# Database management and security
# Data organization and storage
# Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control and Recovery
# Client/Server, Distributed, Internet databases
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the skills to analyze business requirements and produce a viable model and implementation of a database to meet such requirements.
Office Hours:
Office Hours is set for Right After Class, or by appointment.
There will be a homework for nearly every class.
You will have at least a midterm and a final exam. There might also be a quiz or two. We'll have a review, etc.
In This Class:
Peer cooperation is encouraged, however, everyone must submit their own work. You will
be expected to answer detailed questions about your assignments. (i.e.: if you
didn't write them, I'll know.)
Attendance is not mandatory, but highly recommended. [you must attend at least a few
times in the first few weeks, or you will be dropped from the class with a WU grade] Also,
it would be VERY difficult to pass the class without regular attendence; you are
responsible for catching up if you miss class.
All projects, assignments, homeworks, etc., will be submitted via the website. Do not
print out nor e-mail me the assignments - they will promptly be trashed.
Tentative grade breakup: ~25% for Midterm, ~35% for Projects, ~40% Final - These may
change slightly depending on how well the class does in any of the above.
(also, the "Project" grade includes things like quizes, homeworks, etc.)